Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Episode 59: Lucky Yates and Amber Nash

Ron talks about seeing the new indie romcom Dry Spell and how you should all go help it out at www.indiegogo.com/watchdryspell

Then, Lucky and Amber join Ron on the phone and discuss improv, Frisky Dingo, Archer, take a couple of fan questions. Ron and Lucky also geek out over Peter Weller. 

You can find out how to see Lucky and Amber LIVE at http://dadsgarage.com/

"Delusional" - Quicksand

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

My God Has a Hammer Episode 3: Tawky Tawny

Ron and Jonah talk Guardians of the Galaxy, the books they picked up this week and Final Crisis. Plus, where can Spider-Man get his taxes done at?


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bad Religion - "True North": A Review

I remember it was late on a Sunday night and 120 Minutes aired on MTV. Yes, back when that channel actually aired music videos. Little did I know that my life would change that night. First, I saw the video for "Dear God"by XTC and that opened my mind for something that we can talk about later. But later in the night right before bed the video for "Stranger Than Fiction" by Bad Religion came on and I was forever changed.

That being said, Bad Religion just put out their 16th studio album, "True North" and I couldn't be happier with the results.

The album has a wonderful mix of Bd Religion from years past. The fastness of "No Control", the amazing song writing of "Stranger Than Fiction" and the raw power of "The Process of Belief" if you throw in a bit of the Daredevils, Brett's band after he left Bad Religion for a short time. (He sings lead on the track "Dharma and the Bomb")

I've heard rumor that this may be the last time we have the joy of a new Bad Religion record and I hope that they are just that, rumors. I really haven't been able to stop listening to it since I got my hands on it.

Stand out tracks:
"Fuck You"
"Dharma and the Bomb"
"Hello Cruel World"

This is a must have for fans of the band.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Episode 58: Christa Campbell

Christa stops by to discuss Spiders 3-D, Texas Chainsaw 3-D and what got her started in the business!

Music by 
GALLOWS: "The Vulture (Act 1 and 2)


Saturday, January 19, 2013

My God Has a Hammer Episode 2: Brian, The Ending!

Ron and Jonah disagree over the new issue of Batman, cover the amazing Saga and plead for Brian K Vaughn to not louse up the ending this time. All the while they wonder if things would have been different if Jason Todd DIDN'T die and Ron pines for Fiona Staples.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Episode 57: Kyle Anderson

Kyle comes back to talk about his new show, Doctor Who: The Writers Room, life, love and podcasting while touring North Africa in a shoegaze band.


Saturday, January 12, 2013


It finally happened. I died. Oddly enough, I went straight to hell. Who'dathunkit?

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My God Has a Hammer: Episode 1: Secret Origins

Ron and Jonah are back after a huge hiatus with a new episode! Talking Batman, Superior Spider-man, and how to handle Green Lantern fans who prefer Jon Stewart.


Friday, January 4, 2013

The Saw Is Family

On October 1, 1974 a film came out that laid the groundwork for many films to come. Ridley Scott cited it as the inspiration for the 1979 film ALIEN. Rob Zombie has said that it was a huge inspiration on his art, and especially his film HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES. It was even inducted into the Horror Hall of Fame in 1990. It's The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I was 7 years old and my parents had been divorced for about 6 and a half years. It was my Dad's day to spend with me and he had worked earlier in the day so he passed out in his chair, hoping I would just find cartoons or Svengoolie would be on to keep me occupied. But Saturday afternoon television in Racine, WI around 1986. I didn't really wanna watch Bowling for Dollars or ABC's Wide World of Sports.

That's when I saw it. A tape sitting in the VCR half ejected. So I pushed it in, sight unseen.

Now if this had been something other than what it was, this kind of post might not be happening, because I'd be filming people having sex in Silicon Valley right now. But I digress...

The tracking started as the tape began to play and I saw who I would later come to find out is Pam, running from a large man in a very weird mask, that I would later come to realize was made from human flesh. He grabbed her and drug her back into the house and chucked her on a meat hook. 

Now most kids reaction at that age would be to turn the tape off and head toward the fetal position. I paused the tape. The horror on her face was fascinating to me and I didn't know why. I had, up until that point, been a afraid of the standee of Freddy Kruger in the video store so much that I would run my Dad's tapes in with my eyes closed. So why was I so fascinated with Leatherface and his family of serial killing cannibals? 

I still don't know why, but I am thankful that I saw it. It's molded me into the horror director that I am today. (Some folks may want to blame the film for that in a negative ha)

Now and forever...

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Episode 56: Ed Larson

Ed Larson from The Round Table of Gentlemen, Murderfist and The Burn with Jeff Ross stops by to talk about his career and how the country is too sensitive. Plus so much more!

MC Lars - Roommate from Hell (f. MC Chris)


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top Ten Films of 2012!

So its 2013 and what would this page be if it didn't boast the Top 10 Films of 2012? It would be unique because every other fucking page is doing that now. So here we go!

10. The Divide
9. Safety Not Guarenteed
8. Sleepwalk With Me
7. The Raid: Redemption
6. The Cabin in the Woods
5. The Dark Knight Rises
4. The Avengers
3. The Grey
2. Django Unchained
1. Compliance

There you have it kids. Disagree? Sure okay. Whatever. I'm going to play Assassins Creed III.

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